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How Women Have Shaped Assisted Living Home Policies and Standards

Women have played a crucial role in shaping the policies and standards of the assisted living industry. As we celebrate National Women’s History Month, it’s important to recognize the many ways in which women have contributed to the development of the assisted living model and the care of our seniors. Assisted living homes were developed in the 1980s as an…

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Benefits of Socializing for Seniors in Assisted Living Homes

Socializing is an important aspect of life for people of all ages, but it can be especially crucial for seniors living in assisted living homes. Many seniors may feel isolated or lonely, especially if they are no longer able to participate in activities they enjoyed before. However, socializing has been shown to have numerous benefits for seniors, including:   Improved…

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How to pay for Assisted Living in Utah (Pt 2)

Assisted living can be an excellent option for seniors who need help with everyday activities such as bathing, dressing, and medication management. However, paying for assisted living can be a significant concern for many families. In Utah, there are several options available to help pay for assisted living, including government programs, long-term care insurance, and personal savings. In this blog…

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How to Create a Retirement and Healthcare Safety Net

When it comes to retirement and healthcare, many of us rely on SocialSecurity and Medicare to provide for our needs. But what happens if theseprograms are no longer available? It’s important to create a retirement andhealthcare safety net that isn’t dependent on these programs. Here are someways you can do this.Bel Aire Senior Living offers compassionate senior care in a…

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5 Frequently Asked Questions About Medicare, Answered

Medicare is a vital service for seniors in this country, but one of the most common complaints ishow hard it can be to understand. There are various parts and types of plans, many with similar-sounding names and unclear distinctions. In order to help you make the best decision for yourhealthcare, we have summarized the answers to some of the most…

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Helping an Aging Loved One Make Healthier Choices

Offer to Make Meals A healthy balanced diet is one that consists of plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats. It may be that the senior in your life is not physically able to cook for themselves anymore, or they may claim to just not like those foods. Whatever the case, instead of constantly trying to convince them about the…

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 Bel Aire Senior Living Thanksgiving Dinner 2022

What is a better time of the year than the holidays? Families come together, we see people we haven’t seen in awhile, and we are finally surrounded by our kids and grandkids. At Bel Aire Senior Living we make the holidays a time to remember and we seek to bring family together after a long year. We decorate the halls…

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How Seniors Can Stay Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

People ages 65 and older have a higher risk of serious complications from the flu because their immune system defenses weaken somewhat with age. These older adults account for more than one half of all flu-related hospitalizations (50%-70%) and the most flu-related deaths (85%), according to Medscape. Learn more about avoiding the flu and colds and what to do if…

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Debunking 6 Outdated Assisted Living Myths

Debunking 6 Outdated Assisted Living Myths If you or your loved one could use a helping hand with day-to-day activities, there’s no better option than an assisted living community. Unfortunately, outdated misconceptions about assisted living may scare away the seniors who need it most. Being well-informed is vital to making important decisions about your future, so read on and get…

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Being a Good Listener with the Elderly

Senior care professionals understand how seniors can become relatively isolated, and how much value there can be to simply sitting down with them, and listening to their stories. As we begin to enter this holiday season, now will be a good time to just devote a few hours to sit with your senior loved one, to show them you care…

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5 Problems Seniors Can Face From Living Alone

Is your loved one a senior citizen who is living at home by themselves? Are you concerned that they are having problems taking care of their personal needs on a daily basis? Read on to learn the 5 health concerns while living at home, and that are excellent reasons to bring in outside help.   Increased Fall Risk Is your loved…

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Safety and Security in Senior Living

If you’re worried about your aging parent’s safety, you may be trying to convince them to move to a senior living community. At the same time, you may be wondering just how much safer they’d be after such a move. Senior living communities have specific features to keep their residents safe. Here’s what to look for as you begin your…

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