Is your loved one a senior citizen who is living at home by themselves? Are you concerned that they are having problems taking care of their personal needs on a daily basis? Read on to learn the 5 health concerns while living at home, and that are excellent reasons to bring in outside help.
Increased Fall Risk
Is your loved one prone to falls more easily than ever before? That is because falling becomes much more of a risk for millions of men and women as they get older. In fact, around 2.5 million people ages 65 and older have been seen every year in the emergency rooms of hospitals nationwide because of accidental falls.
Most of these falls occur in the home, as seniors find themselves tripping over bathroom rugs or decorative throw rugs more and more. If you are worried about your loved one falling, it is probably time to send someone over to their home and make sure there are fewer fall risks to worry about.
Substance Abuse
While you may not realize it, substance abuse is just as prevalent in seniors as it is in young adults. Survey participants from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions reported that alcohol and tobacco use is on the list for non-medical substances most abused by senior citizens. This is a major concern for seniors because alcohol abuse can interact with prescription medications, as well as have an impact on their overall health, including an increased risk of falls. Your loved one more than likely needs outside help to ensure they are not abusing anything they should or shouldn’t be taking.
Shut-Off Notices
Have you observed more and more bills piling up at your loved ones’ home when you visit? You may notice the envelopes marked “urgent” or “past due” or hear multiple telephone calls from bill collectors. Many seniors living by themselves have a harder time keeping track of their finances and may fall behind on their bills. Sometimes their bank account gets overdrawn due to paying the same bills more than once each month. This is especially worrisome in the cold winter months, as it is difficult negotiating with the gas company to keep the heat on when the bill has become hundreds of dollars past due. Shut-off notices are a sign that your senior citizen needs help at home.
Poor Nutrition
You see that your loved one is rapidly losing weight because they are not eating enough on their own. Or on the flip side, they are gaining an unhealthy amount of weight because they no longer eat nutritious meals and rely on fast food, junk food and soda throughout the day. In either case, poor nutrition is a sign that a senior citizen needs help when living at home alone from a qualified caregiver.
Increased Social Inactivity
If your family member or friend used to be very active in their community and are becoming increasingly antisocial, this is probably a sign that they need help at home. Increased social inactivity could be caused by a plethora of reasons, such as depression, anxiety, feelings of helplessness and more. They might need some help finding suitable activities or transportation to and from the activity they would like to go to.
At Bel Aire Senior Living, our expert staff is composed of extremely knowledgeable, friendly, and trusted professionals who take pride in helping your loved one manage their daily activities.
Contact Bel Aire Senior Living at 801.763.0622 today or visit our website at