Wait a minute. Could it be? A light at the end of the tunnel? We may finally be emerging from the tough times that the Corona virus has put us through. We at Bel Aire Senior Living, thought it would be a good idea to talk about something today that has been so beneficial throughout this whole experience. This has been the appreciation gained for the many things taken for granted over the past year.
Yes, we have talked about it before but one of the many things taken for granted has been socialization and how important it is. The appreciation we have gained for socialization has been so rewarding. This is what I want to focus on today. We have seen such a shift in energy with our residents while being able to socialize again. Our activity program has gotten to expand and the friendships that have been made, and continue to form, are priceless. Not only are there genuine connections between the residents, but there are with the employees as well.
We are truly one big family here. This is a big part of what makes us so special. We know how to create that environment that is so crucial to improving the quality of life. Whether it’s at meal times or through activities, our residents are constantly encouraged to interact. We have always recognized the importance of our residents socializing, but through this experience we have learned how necessary it is. When anyone is confined to their room, they can become depressed and very lonely. You may be able to imagine the toll it could take on a senior. They NEED to be able to walk around and be with their friends. They NEED to see their family members and loved ones. They NEED to be active and have a social lifestyle to survive. It improves the quality of their life by so much.
Let this be a reminder and a challenge to make it a priority to visit, call, or reach out in any form to your loved ones that live in assisted living. They need your love and socialization to survive.