A Certified Nursing Assistant works alongside every aspect of an assisted living community. They are the backbone in everything that happens 24 hours a day when it comes to the residents that rely on their service. You may have a general idea of their job description but we want to enlighten you as to what goes on at Bel Aire Senior Living for a CNA. Anna Giorgi from allnursingschool.com writes, “While a CNA’s primary role is to meet a patient’s basic needs, they may have many other duties. These will depend on the medical status of a patient, the requirements of the environment in which they work, and the type of care they’re authorized to provide”. Here at Bel Aire, and in our state, we work with elderly residents that are assessed into a type 1 or type 2 ADL care levels. This means that they require a certain type or amount of daily living assistance. We work to determine this type of care by our facility nurse, administrator, and care coordinator, providing a thorough assessment of their needs when moving into our community. Our CNAs are then briefed on a new resident’s background, present conditions, ADL assistance, and additional comfort measures.
Our residents receive excellent and gentle care from our CNAs with tasks such as incontinence care, toileting, bathing, clothing changes, ambulating, transferring, oral hygiene, night assistance, medication management, laundry, vitals, room maintenance, and more. They meet with a CNA at least every 2 hours, and they are also relieved of any needs at any time with their pendant alert. Our CNAs do it all and see it all. They are alert and maintain a clean and sanitized environment. Not only do they interact with residents, but they also communicate with pharmacies, healthcare teams, family members, and anyone else on staff. This includes the executive director, administrator, kitchen staff, maintenance, housekeeping, and others. At Bel Aire, our whole staff including our CNAs, assist in comforting our residents and providing companionship and friendship. A CNA provides the care that one can not accomplish on their own. And so we pride our service on the skills our CNAs provide and the reliance we have on each of them.
The following are testimonials of residents here at Bel Aire regarding the CNAs who provide care for them every day.
Female Resident
-“I’m thankful for them because they treat us so well and they are very polite”.
-“I love them because they are so caring and helpful”.
-“They are so nice and they do their job well, there is nothing I don’t like about them”.
Male Resident
-“They assist me with the tasks I can not do myself, I feel a relief every day because of their help”.
– “I’m glad I live at Bel Aire because the CNAs help makes me mobile, their assistance is important for my daily routines”.
We hope this was helpful in providing more information on the role of a CNA in assisted living communities and how it can improve both yourself and your family member’s quality of life.
For more information on what services we provide, we invite you to visit our website.