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Common Causes of Memory Loss

You may begin to wonder what causes minor or significant memory loss as you reach a specific age. We notice cognitive limitations in older family members or friends and hope that we don’t have the same outcome as we get older. As for preventing memory loss, there are many things you can change in your daily life to decrease your chances of developing it. We have listed out just a few of the main causes and how to change them, such as: 

  1. Sleep

A large contributing factor to short-term memory loss is not getting enough rest. Due to the responsibilities we take on daily, the average adult needs 7-8.5 hours of sleep every night.

  1. Follow these tips to better sleep:
    1. Follow a regular sleep schedule, and remove all distracting electronics, work, books, and other materials that might entice you out of bed. 
    2. Use a white noise machine at night as a form of sound therapy
    3. Meditate and listen to calming music before bed to help relax your body and mind
    4. Wear a light-blocking sleep mask
    5. Seeing your doctor for medication to help you sleep if needed
  1. Vitamin Deficiency 

The cause of many ailments is a lack of vitamin intake and causes mild to severe cognitive decline.

  1. Take these vitamins consistently: 
    1. Vitamin A
    2. B12, is known to aid cognition in healthy brains function, but is particularly helpful for dementia
    3. Folic acid
    4. Vitamin C
    5. Vitamin D
  1. Fitness

Good fitness habits help increase your quality of life and memory. There’s no need to sign up for a gym membership but making an effort to get up and increase your heart rate is beneficial. It is recommended to do 150 minutes of exercise a week. 

  1. Participate in these gentle exercises. 
    1. Swimming
    2. Yoga
    3. Stair climbing
    4. Golfing
    5. Gardening

Promoting good brain function is not limited to these three categories listed above, there are more like depression, anxiety, head trauma, thyroid problems, brain tumors, and dementia. First, determine what is lacking in your overall health and start making changes now. At Bel Aire, we are actively involved in our resident’s cognitive health by providing activities that stimulate the parts of the brain that stimulates memory. These activities consist of games, puzzles, fitness, game shows, reading books, and the Dakim Brain Fitness program is a clinically proven brain exercise program for senior living. We hope this information was helpful in understanding some causes of memory loss, and served ideas to encourage early changes in certain daily health habits.  If you would like to learn more about ways you can increase your cognitive health visit

To learn more about our Bel Aire communities and other activities we have visit our website, call (801-763-0622), or email at 

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