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Tips on Talking to Your Parents about Assisted Living

It can be difficult to communicate to your parents about assisted living and how it will benefit their quality of life. This conversation varies between families, for some, it can be an easy and accepting transition, but for others, it can be emotional and even scary. You may not know where to start or how to keep the idea positive. As an assisted living community, we hear many families bring up the difficulty this transition brings to not only the parents but the kids as well. We have been assisting in this transition for many years and we encourage the family members to utilize these tips we have put together to guide this process and relieve as much stress as possible.

  1. If you have siblings, discuss the assisted living option with them first. 

The future of your parents may be the opposite of what your siblings have in mind. It is important that all agree on, or find ways to discuss disagreements before talking to your parents. If this is too difficult, we encourage involving an unbiased third party to help to bring resolution.

  1. Bring the topic up before you’re forced to bring it up. 

Consider pre-planning to control the situation. Where will you have the conversation and in what direction will it go? If possible, try gathering all family members when their lives are stress-free and are able to keep the conversation positive. 

  1. Be willing to revisit the conversations more than once (or a dozen times).

The first attempt may not be successful, don’t give up! This can and most of the time is a long process that takes careful consideration, especially when choosing the right community. 

  1. Have options in mind.

If your parents are willing, allow them to look at brochures, attend tours and discuss the cons and pros of specific places. Get them involved in what they expect in terms of care. Let them be involved in the process, this can clear their minds and even help them to understand the benefits of this adjustment. 

  1. Come to the conversation with an educated and open mind. 

Discuss the pros and cons if you’re goal is to convince your parents to transition to assisted living. Mention never having to shovel the snow, do the dishes, vacuum the floor or buy food. They will have the opportunity to socialize, do activities, or take up the hobby they always enjoyed. They will receive onsite healthcare, medication management and so much more. Give the floor to your parents and understand their points of view by listening and understanding their concerns. 

  1. Breathe. 

If you are struggling to make a proactive decision, remember to slow down and breathe.

While making this important decision, we hope these tips can help direct a smooth conversation and ease tension. Here at Bel Aire, we value a stress-free move and hope to assist in your parent’s concerns by acknowledging their opinions and expectations. 

We want to be a reliable resource, If you need assistance during this time, we encourage you to reach out to our team by visiting our website, calling us at 801-763-0622, or emailing at 

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