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Can Technology Help Us?

Though the pandemic, our society has had to lean into technology for a lot of different things. People of all ages have had to learn how to use technology in order to keep in contact with loved ones, pick up groceries, and have things shipped to their home. This has been overwhelming for a lot of our seniors who have…

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Healthy Aging

Do seniors get enough exercise? Physical activity needs to be a priority in all assisted living residences and here is why. It is so important to keep our blood pumping and our muscles active. If we aren’t moving enough, our muscles can atrophy and eventually we will decline because of it. Physical activity extends vitality and strength. Here at Bel…

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No Need to Fear Aging!

Today we thought we would share some fun statistics and facts about getting older! Usually, the thought of aging scares people and makes them uncomfortable. Instead of fearing it, we should embrace it and expect to enjoy certain perks. Working at Bel Aire Senior Living and talking with all the residents here, it is clear that a lot of them…

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What We Need to Survive – Each Other

Wait a minute. Could it be? A light at the end of the tunnel? We may finally be emerging from the tough times that the Corona virus has put us through. We at Bel Aire Senior Living, thought it would be a good idea to talk about something today that has been so beneficial throughout this whole experience. This has…

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As we age, our physical ability declines, and with it, our mental and cognitive abilities may also diminish. Memory is one of the most important parts of our cognitive function that is especially prone to decline. Here at Bel Aire Senior Living in American Fork, Utah, we care about all of our residents’ cognitive function, and we want to help our…

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Bridge The Gap in Fading Memories

Isn’t it interesting how we can lose our keys, wallets, or cell phones but we can sing a song from the radio with ease, no matter how old the song? According to the Mayo Clinic, music is closely tied to our autobiographical memory through our emotions. Often, we will connect a song with emotion, resulting in a powerful and long-lasting memory.…

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Stress Less? We Can Help!

Many families begin their search for an assisted living community after a traumatic situation that leaves their loved one unable to live independently. It can be a stressful time for everyone as finances, care, and accommodations must be sorted out quickly. A senior can feel like their wings are being clipped as cars and homes are sold or Power of…

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The Decision is Yours

There is this common idea that moving into an assisted living home means losing your independence. This is assuredly not the case. As our loved one’s age, they find they cannot perform certain tasks and activities they once could. In a blog by Vantage, a positive aging resource, it says, The ability to make choices throughout the day has a…

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Memory Lane

Here at Bel Aire Senior Living, we also provide memory care. We have several activities that improve our residents’ cognitive ability. These activities include listening to music, scenic bus rides, walking in the garden, sensory activities, book clubs, art, sing-along, brain-stimulating games, and many more. Along with activities, it is extremely important that we help the resident stick to a…

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Helping an Aging Loved One Make Healthier Choices

Offer to Make Meals A healthy balanced diet is one that consists of plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats. It may be that the senior in your life is not physically able to cook for themselves anymore, or they may claim to just not like those foods. Whatever the case, instead of constantly trying to convince them…

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